San Jose State judo sensei Uchida celebrated his 100th birthday party in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic

by mari

Posted on 2021-03-09

otaku image by mari San Jose State judo sensei Uchida celebrated his 100th birthday party in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic

Perhaps other fellow martial artists reading this feel the same. I find it inspiring learning about senior judo practitioners who have never stopped their practice. It also helps me keep my own (limited) practice in perspective. Today, I read about Yoshihiro Uchida's founding of the San Jose State’s judo program. He was born in 1920, and as you can imagine, he has a large extended judo family through martial arts in San Jose’s Japantown district, which I did not know. From this article on The Mercury News detailing his teaching trajectory, he turned the San Jose State judo team very competitive in 1962 after organizing the inaugural collegiate national championship. He led San Jose State to its first of more than 40 titles at the event. 
From the article it looks like he is still active and the centenarian was scheduled to return to Tokyo for the 2020 (now 2021) Olympics!
Here’s a link to a tribute recognizing Uchida’s 65 years of service teaching judo at San Jose State University. Let me know what you think!

#martial arts  # judo  
wotakuexchange user avatar wota image | WotakuExchange
2021-03-30 This is an amazing dedication. Judo is surely a life time achievement and you could practice any moment and that is the beauty of it. Thanks for sharing!
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