Microsoft Office 2019 bundle for Mac

by wota

Posted on 2020-11-10

otaku image by wota Microsoft Office 2019 bundle for Mac

Hello Wota friends!

I happen to have these extra software incense comes with a bundle of Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook and OneNote.

If you happen to have a Mac and need these office stuff, I can send it over after exchange is completed.

This file is total of 4GB and instruction to install.

It's not jailbreak or anything like that, so you could use it without any problems or worries.

Here is the step to get:

  1. Complete exchange
  2. through email or cloud, I will send the file where you could download and install to your Mac.
  3. activate the software (You do not need to install all. only those you need)
  4. voila! You have these beautiful fully working Microsoft Office to play with :)

If you have any question, you could DM me @wota (I do NOT respond to spams so please be sure that you are friendly user)

Happy helping one another for the better future! :)

#microsoft word  #excel  #power point  #one note  #outlook  #give away  #exchange  #free  
wotakuexchange user avatar taro image | WotakuExchange
taro 1
2020-12-14 Hey, I just got a question for you. Do you have Windows version by any chance? I'm windows user and hope "yes" ;)
wotakuexchange user avatar wota image | WotakuExchange
2020-12-14 +taro “Yes” :) so for the windows version, what I have is 2016 and it’s still nice.
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