Classic Super Nintendo -Super Famicom GIVE AWAY

by segodon

Posted on 2020-11-03

otaku image by segodon Classic Super Nintendo -Super Famicom GIVE AWAY

Hello Wota friends!

So I have this classic USED Super Famicom (Japanese ver) that is working fine. You could still play classic Zelda, Super Mario Bros and more.

Step 1. Make sure that you have enough Coin(s) for exchange, then Send a request.

Step 2. I will receive notification that you want it

Step 3. Exchange

Step 4. Please provide a ship to address so I can ship it to you (within the US)

If you would like, I can give it to you for 1 wota coin. If any questions, simply send me a message so I can answer to that!

Thanks :)

#super famicom  #exchange  #ship it to you  #classic zelda  #ff  #dragon quest  #games  #console  
wotakuexchange user avatar taro image | WotakuExchange
taro 1
2020-12-01 This is definitely my favorite game console ever! I play mother 2, dragon quest, final fantasy and a lot more..
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