Spirited Away

by mari

Posted on 2020-07-12

otaku image by mari Spirited Away


I generally don't watch films twice, but the award-winning animation Spirited Away made it to the exceptions list. A beautiful 2001 film produced by the anime studio Ghibli, written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, Spirited Away seamlessly transports you to a magical world of supernatural adventure through the eyes of a ten year old, Chihiro. Like Alice in Wonderland, Spirited Away's creative complexity makes it a rewarding experience for adults as well. Did I mention that I am partial to movies in which women are heroines? Chihiro is a complex character, like most others featured in the film. Even the seemingly unredeemable characters in Spirited Away surprise us with an unexpected angle. On the surface, the film centers on the young protagonist's grappling with her fears, gradually becoming a strong and independent young woman. But Spirited Away is also about our relationship with nature, the environmental and spiritual impact of human greed, the active cultivation of kindness, outwitting authoritarian rule, humility towards that which we don't know and those who we don't know, and so much more. If you watch it, let me know what you think!

#Anime  # Manga  
wotakuexchange user avatar wota image | WotakuExchange
wota 2
2020-07-21 It's definitely one of my favorite Miyazaki movies. What I like about it is that you get to see cultural aspect of it as well as some interesting spiritual imagination vividly as if Miyazaki could see the world. It is highly recommended to those artists who would like some inspirations :)
wotakuexchange user avatar wota image | WotakuExchange
wota 3
2020-09-05 As you know Miyazaki movies are profound in a way that does not explain everything rather give you some hints to its secrets or real truth behind which you find out later or never. That's what's interesting about his works. In this movie, it is said that Haku is Chihiro's older brother who died in the river trying to help her therefore he remembers her name even though he does not even remember his own name. Also it's why Chihiro's mom is not very nice to her that she never looks at her eyes. Anyways a little trivia that's interesting. Hope you enjoy even more next time you watch :)
wotakuexchange user avatar jose image | WotakuExchange
jose 1
2020-12-25 I have heard that Chihiro and Haku are brother and sister and thru this film, Miyazaki wanted to express how beautiful it is to sacrifice oneself to save others. What love is and how most beautiful thing it can be.. That's why spider old man calls it LOVE between Sen(Chihiro) and Haku.
wotakuexchange user avatar mari image | WotakuExchange
mari 1
2020-12-29 Thanks for sharing, both of you. The references to shinto and other interesting themes in the movie, such as urbanization and gentrification made me want to learn more, but the nature of the connection between Haku and Chihiro was puzzling to me, so maybe that's the key? When you say "I have heard", was this from a reliable source, like an interview with Miyazaki? Otherwise it's pure speculation, wouldn't you agree?
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