by mari
Posted on 2020-07-12
I generally don't watch films twice, but the award-winning animation Spirited Away made it to the exceptions list. A beautiful 2001 film produced by the anime studio Ghibli, written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, Spirited Away seamlessly transports you to a magical world of supernatural adventure through the eyes of a ten year old, Chihiro. Like Alice in Wonderland, Spirited Away's creative complexity makes it a rewarding experience for adults as well. Did I mention that I am partial to movies in which women are heroines? Chihiro is a complex character, like most others featured in the film. Even the seemingly unredeemable characters in Spirited Away surprise us with an unexpected angle. On the surface, the film centers on the young protagonist's grappling with her fears, gradually becoming a strong and independent young woman. But Spirited Away is also about our relationship with nature, the environmental and spiritual impact of human greed, the active cultivation of kindness, outwitting authoritarian rule, humility towards that which we don't know and those who we don't know, and so much more. If you watch it, let me know what you think!
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