Judo as a far-reaching practice

by mari

Posted on 2020-06-21

otaku image by mari Judo as a far-reaching practice

Judo founder Jigoro Kano conceived the ultimate aim of this martial art as a practice to benefit society and direct it towards peace, making a distinction between three levels of judo. The lower level consists of training for self-defense against an attack, and is the most basic. He articulated the simultaneous cultivation of mind and body and putting one's energy to use as the next level; and upper level judo practice for him is the ability to direct energy towards the benefit of society. There are good examples all over the world using judo to further this original intention. Judo for Peace, intercultural judo in war-torn countries and various gender empowerment initiatives are inspiring to me, and I wonder whether others who read this know of interesting projects that use judo or other martial arts to further Kano's original vision?

#Martial arts  # judo  
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wota 4
2020-07-21 Thanks for sharing! Judo's founder Jigoro Kano's two famous/important concepts through judo training are: "Seiryoku Zenyoh", "Jita kyoei" which mean "Positive/Good use of one's energy" and "Grow together"=Help one another for mutual benefit. They are basic principals in human society I believe yet going the other direction really fast currently. Hopefully COVID situation "help" us realize something important that turn around and go towards the right directions as soon as possible since it's been pretty bad nowadays...
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