AX 2021 will be AWESOME guys

by segodon

Posted on 2020-05-12

otaku image by segodon AX 2021 will be AWESOME guys

Hey Wotaku Friends!

Sad to find out that our biggest cosplay celebration AX has decided to canceled the event for this year due to Coronavirus.

I was hoping and preparing for this year's cosplay, so very very disappointed.

BUT, it looks like next year's AX 2021 will be the best celebration ever since it's their 30th Anniversary as well as long wait for the fans of Anime, Cosplay, Games and all that Japanese awesome culture! So let's get excited already! about joining the most exciting anime/cosplay event in Los Angeles next year! Let me know what would be the best cosplay theme for the event at least your ideas in the comment section below so I would be the one ;)


#ax canceled  #anime expo2020  #covid-19  #ax2021 will be awesome  
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