
by mari

Posted on 2020-01-20

otaku image by mari Introduction

Hello! I'm an artist interested in both the philosophy and practice of judo, currently training for my black belt 

wotakuexchange user avatar wota image | WotakuExchange
wota 1
2020-01-20 Hi mari, I feel like you are already close to your black belt. I am not sure why, but I can feel it :)
wotakuexchange user avatar segodon image | WotakuExchange
segodon 1
2020-01-20 Hi mari, I did some sumo long time ago and it was really tough. I am sure you can make it! it's always nice to have some goals. Cheer you up with my dog!
wotakuexchange user avatar mari image | WotakuExchange
mari 2
2020-04-05 Thank you both! I'm trying to figure out ways to keep training given the closure of the dojo and this unprecedented global situation!
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